January 21, 2013

In the middle of it

I love that God is a God who loves change. And I often dislike that aspect of Him because He wants ME to change.

We are in a period of personal growth, Jim and I. God is showing us some short comings and issues that haven't been dealt with in years, if ever. It's hard. Our progress is tested and hampered by obstacles.

But it's good too. It's exciting to think that we will be better next year than we are this year. That our marriage will be stronger. That we will be stronger, more caring, more effective people. That we will be better parents, siblings, friends, workers, etc.

A big part of that change is our church, Harvest Bible Chapel in Rolling Meadows. We are so encouraged and challenged by the teaching there, among other things. And a big part of the current wave of change is the series our pastor did around New Year's called "How to Have Peace of Mind". Here is the link to the first message of three if you have time or want to watch it. There is an option to listen to it too. I highly recommend it because it was so poignant. And I pray that God can use it in your life, all of you.

So many people are facing so many things in life right now. Much more than we are, to be sure. But no matter what life is handing out, God is the same and the ways that we can deal with our struggles boil down to the same principles that He has set up. I'm comforted by that, even though I don't really want to face myself and my issues. :)

I'm sure I will write more on this in the future. It's been a big part of our lives lately and will continue to be.

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